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Have an Account?

You must login or create an account to register for programs.

Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.

Our Winter 2 season runs from January to March.  Since registration opened in July, all of our Parent Assist and PreCanSkate/CanSkate (learn to skate programs) are filled.  Our next season of skating will run from April to June with registration opening in March.  Once registration details are finalized, they will be posted on our main page so keep checking back for updates.  If you are looking for learn to skate lessons/CanSkate, please do not register in any of the Star sessions (which have space).  Since those sessions are for our figure skaters, your registration may be withdrawn if your skater is not at the appropriate skating level.  If you have any questions, please contact Skate Regina before registering.

Currently our system may not allow members to add new participants due to your cache/older browser versions.  If you are experiencing trouble, please try a different device or use a different browser.   If you are still experiencing problems, please email with the skater's name, birthday, any medical concerns along with the class and time you are trying to register. We can then help make the registration for you.

Programs are sorted by category level (CanSkate, Power, STARSkate, etc.) and are listed in summary view.  Click "View Details" under each program to see more specific information about each class. 

Having difficulty finding a program?  Use the Quick Search Feature or filter the options under "Find Programs" to search for more specific classes or programs! OR use the "Calendar View" option.

Current Season Registration:

Winter Brochure 2024-25

Skate Regina Winter Calendar 24-25

24-25 Fundraising Descriptions