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Terms and Conditions:

Session Qualifications

CanSkate Private Lessons (Stage 4 or below) are only to be scheduled on STAR 1-6 Open Sessions and Sessions with minimal registrations (to be confirmed by the Skating Director at the start of each new Season).  These skaters must be in a lesson for the entire session time.

Skaters working on Stage 5 and above can be scheduled on any Open or FreeSkate Session but must remain in a lesson for the entire session time.  Once skaters are in STAR 2, they can be on the session without needing to be in a lesson for the full time.

Open Sessions – All skating disciplines can be practiced on an open session.

FreeSkate Sessions – Jumps, Spins and Solos/Programs Only.  No Skills or Dance Practice.

Competitive Sessions – Must be Pre-Juvenile or higher.

Adult Sessions – In accordance to the City of Regina Mandate, skaters over the age of 18 will not be allowed to skate on “prime-time” ice.  This mandate is being enforced effective Fall 2017.  Sessions allowing adult skaters will be confirmed with the City prior to schedule approval for each season. 

Stroking Sessions - No private/semi private/group lessons are to be given on a stroking session. 

Helmet Use Policy

Skate Canada is proud of its CanSkate program, the best learn-to-skate program in Canada, and we will continue to develop policies and programming that create a better and safer learn-to-skate experience for our skaters. If you would like more information on helmet use and injury prevention we recommend you visit Think First.

Skaters working on STAGE 5 and below, a well as all skaters in the CanPowerSkate program, MUST wear CSA-Approved Hockey Helmets.

Skaters working on STAGE 6 or higher may choose to continue to wear a helmet at their discretion. The skater and parent/guardian have the final say as to whether or not the skater will or will not wear a helmet.


There will be no confirmations except for those generated by the Website. Skaters will be notified if a session is overbooked or if there are any other changes such as a session cancellation.


Ice allocations are done by the city and are out of the control of Skate Regina. Check the Skate Regina website for any changes or cancellations. Parents should check their monthly calendars often. The Skate Regina Board and Coaches will do their utmost to update the calendars on the Skate Regina website. They can, however, not be held responsible for missing or inaccurate information.


Only payment methods identified on the registration page will be accepted. No special arrangements will be accepted other than those arrangements listed on club registration material pertaining to when payment should be made. Payment will be accepted in full, or in portions as identified on the registration. No exceptions will be made to this rule unless expressly arranged and approved by the board of directors in writing no later than 45 days in advance of the scheduled start of the skating session.

Partial Skater Registration - While Skate Regina would prefer fully paid registrations, we recognize that some skaters require only a portion of the ice time for a given session. There are 2 options to pay for a given session (or group thereof): pay in full or by installments. There are no additional fees for paying off a balance over time.

Should the skaters decide to pay off this balance in full, it can be done at any time, through the website or in person via personal cheque.

All payments shall be made in Canadian dollars (CAD).  We accept E-Transfers, Cheques, and Visa/MasterCard


Fees will not be refunded for withdrawals after the sessions start except in a few unusual circumstances and an administration fee will be charged for these. There will be no administration charge for withdrawals after registration but before the session begins, as long as that withdrawal occurs during the open and published window, as shown on the Skate Regina website. The Skate Canada fee and Skate Regina fee are not refundable. (It should be noted that “unusual circumstances” will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors). Any skater that misses four or more consecutive weeks due to an injury, and supplies a doctor’s note to Skate Regina is entitled to a credit of the prorated amount of the session amount missed.

CanSkate Withdrawals – A refund will be given to parents of New CanSkate skaters if that refund request is received in writing within 2 weeks of the start date of the Session. The Skate Canada membership fees are non-refundable.  

StarSkate Withdrawals - No refund is to be expected, unless with a doctor's note.

Session Changes - When the club administrator is required to make any changes on the skaters account such as withdrawals or switching sessions, your account may be subjected to a $25.00 administration fee.

Medical Refunds - Refunds for a doctor's medical note will be given once the skater has missed 4 weeks or more.  A $50 administration fee will be deducted from the refund.

Simulation Withdrawals/Refunds - Simulations are first come, first serve.  Fall, Winter and Spring Simulations are set up on the registration page by each individual date of the simulation.  Limited spots are available and we encourage you to join the wait-list.  Once registration is completed, you are guaranteed a spot in that date's simulation.  The detailed schedule of the order of simulations will be provided the day before each Simulation to allow for changes.  

Ten (10) days notice is required for cancellation of simulations in order to receive a refund IF that simulation can be filled with someone from the wait-list who will purchase the vacant spot.  If there is no one to fill the spot, no refund will be provided.  If ten (10) days notice is not given, there will not be a refund (due to the requirement of needing to notify the city if ice needs to be cancelled).

Declined Payments/NSF Cheques

There will be an administration fee for NSF cheques, charged at the current bank rate and subject to change without notice. CREDIT CARD: There will be a $40.00 administration fee for all declined credit card transactions. In all cases of decline (NSF, declined credit, stopped payment, etc.) one additional attempt will be made by the club administration. If payment continues to be declined the skater will be considered not in good standing with the club and will not be permitted to participate in any of the club activity, including regular skating sessions, until such time as full payment has been made. If payment has not been made within 30 days from date of decline or NSF, the member shall be considered as having terminated their membership. No refunds will be provided for any partial monies paid and all privileges will be permanently revoked.

Skate Canada/Skate Regina Fees

All skaters must be members of Skate Canada in order to be eligible to receive badges, take tests, skate on any of the Skate Regina sessions or compete in any category. This involves an annual fee as set by Skate Canada. Your present membership expires August 31. You must register for the new skating year if you have not already done so at Fall School. The annual Skate Regina membership fee must also have been paid. Members of other clubs, who do not wish to change clubs, must register with their club and pay whatever fee is mandatory as per the Skate Canada laws and regulations before starting to skate with Skate Regina at which time a possible pro-rated Skate Regina fee might be assessed and added to whatever ice cost the skater might want to purchase. The skaters must provide proof of registration with Skate Canada by showing the Registration Coordinator proof of payment of such fees.

Parents and Tots: as per Skate Canada policies, it is mandatory for all members on the ice to carry an up to date Skate Canada Membership for insurance reasons.  This membership fee for the adult on the ice will be applied to the total program cost.

Ice Credits

These ice credits are earned by parents and/or skaters by volunteering as Program Assistants or contributing by volunteering at activities which will be authorized during the year. These credits will be taken into account when registering. Some skaters may also have credits from overpayment or other sources. These will also be taken into account and can be used towards any Skate Regina product registration up to a year from the date of issue and at the exception of the yearly fees such as the Skate Canada or Skate Regina membership fees.

*Transfer of Vouchers/Credits – Credit vouchers cannot be transferred to another member of Skate Regina.

STARSkate Registration Wait List

StarSkaters are encouraged to add their name to the registration wait list when a session they wish to purchase is full.  This is the only time that skaters will be allowed to add their name to a wait list. If and when a session has a spot available, the skater will be contacted to complete their registration and payment for the session.

STARSkate Makeup/Replacement Session Policy

STARSkate skaters will be allowed to make-up for missed sessions only if the reason for which they missed their session(s) was because of an injury preventing them from skating, an illness or a competition. Notice of the chosen make-up session should be given at least 1 week prior to that session.

Please check with your coach prior to emailing the Skating Director if you are replacing ice. The Skating Director will let you know if there is room on the session you seek to use as your replacement.  The skater must be aware that the request may not be granted if the makeup session requested is full or if the skater is not qualified to skate on the session requested for the makeup.

Arranging for makeup ice does not include coaches’ time or a programmed lesson. It is the skater’s responsibility to schedule time with his or her coach. It is the responsibility of the skater to have given ample and enough warning to their coach so that their missing the lesson does not incur any cost to them from the coach. Skate Regina cannot be held responsible for managing the cost or communication of a missed/makeup lesson between the skaters and their coaches.

STARSkate Buy-on Policy

StarSkaters are encouraged to buy additional ice at the regular published cost. However, the skater must be aware that the request may not be granted if the buy-on session requested is full or if the skater is not qualified to skate on the session requested for the makeup. Also, buying additional ice does not include coaches’ time or a programmed lesson. It is the skater’s responsibility to schedule time with his or her coach.

Buy on requests need be sent in writing to the Skating Director.  The Skating Director will let you know if there is space available to buy on that session.  Please have your cash or cheque (Payable to Skate Regina) ready to give to the Skating Director or Registration Coordinator.  Buy ons are on a first come, first served basis.  The Skating Director will keep track of who inquired for buy ons in order.

Buy On Fee Structure

$18.00 per 45 Minute Session for Skate Regina Members, $22.00 for Non-Members.

$24.00 per 1 Hour Session for Skate Regina Members, $26.00 for Non-Members

$13.50 per Edge Class (30 minutes)

* All buy ons are for StarSkate Sessions only.   No buy ons are allowed for CanSkate, Special Olympics, or Star Group Sessions.

Punch Cards

Punch cards can be purchased online under the Registration Tab on the website.  Select “Purchase Products” on the left side of the page.  Add the punch card to your cart and check out the cart to finalize payment. 

Upon receipt of the punch card invoice, the Registration Coordinator will arrange to give you a punch card.  These cards must be signed by your coach or the Skating Director every time they are used.

Punch Cards contain 10 x 15 Minute Punches.  Punch Cards do not carry over from season to season.  Ex) if you purchase a card in winter, it must be used in winter and cannot roll over to the spring season.

Guest Skating/Guest Coaching

The Skate Regina office/Board must be contacted well before the session. If fees are applicable because of buy-on ice, they will be handled by the Skate Regina member in the event the guest is a coach and the lesson is meant to be a lesson from that guest coach to the Skate Regina member. Guest skating will only be allowed on sessions that are not full, where the skater is qualified for that session and for which a partial or full Skate Regina membership fee has been collected. The guest skater will have to be in good standing in regards to their Skate Canada membership fees as no non-Skate Canada members will be accepted on the Skate Regina managed ice. Only coaches under contract with the Skate Regina skating club or whom have special permission previously arranged with the Board of the Skate Regina skating club may give lessons on Skate Regina managed ice.


The competition schedule has been posted on: Skate Canada Saskatchewan Event Page

It is the competitor’s responsibility to download the announcements and submit the registration requirements. Late entries will not be accepted for any competition.

Test Days

It is the responsibility of the skater to organize, pay and present herself (himself) at the correct rink on the correct day, at the correct time. 


All registered skaters accept and release, from any and all claims, the Skate Regina skating Club, it’s directors, employees and coaches and agree that none of them shall be held responsible for any accident, injury, or loss, however caused, whether on or off club premises, ice or other facilities. All registered skaters accept and give permission to the Skate Regina skating club to photograph/video the registered skater for the purposes of club advertisement and promotion. All registered skaters are aware that these photographs/videos and/or the registered skaters name may be used on the club’s website, newsletter, social media or used in other club promotions. Registered skaters also authorize the Skate Regina club to release private information of the registered skater to the City of Regina for purposes of their ice allocation policy.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Accordingly we maintain the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online. Any information you give to us will be held with extreme care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to.

If you choose to email us and provide personally identifiable information about yourself, we will not use the information for any purpose other than to respond to your inquiry. We do not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease any personal information collected on our site. Our web site logs are not personally identifiable and we make no attempt to link them with the individuals that actually browse the site.

Our web sites track information about the visits to the web site. For example, it compiles statistics that show the daily number of visitors to the site, the daily requests received for particular files on the web site, and what countries those requests come from. These aggregated statistics are used internally to provide better services to the public and may also be provided to others, but again, the statistics contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information.

On our web site, you may find links to third party web sites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content on third party sites. Therefore, it is recommended that you read the privacy policy of third party web sites for your information.

If you have any questions concerning this privacy policy, please don't hesitate to contact us.

The following private information will be shared with Skate Canada every time the Skate Canada number is created/renewed or updated: first name, last name, address and birth date of the skaters (identified as the participant in the website).

Conduct and Etiquette Rules – Skate Regina – StarSkate and Competitive Sessions

What is Etiquette?

Etiquette is any special code of behavior or courtesy. At any level of skating, it is important that skaters follow a few basic rules to keep everyone safe and allow each skating session to be enjoyable and productive.

Respect and courtesy must be displayed at all times to all coaches and all skating peers.

Priority of right-of-way on the ice surface:
1. Coaches
2. Skaters receiving lessons
3. Skaters using music

Priority of music being played:
1. Lessons
2. First Come, First Served

Note to Skaters: If you wish to have your music played, please sign up using the marker on the glass. Once your music has been played, every other skater who wants music played has priority over yours being played again (lessons are exempt). Please be courteous and helpful by pressing play for your skating peers. Please remember to remove your gloves before handling the sound system. The sound system is compatible with iPods/MP3 players. For safety reasons, no headphones or earphones are allowed on the ice.

Coaches in line using the music will also follow the same procedure as above. All coaches will have the right to music before skaters who aren’t in lessons.

• Please be prompt and prepared for lessons.

• Appropriate clothing for skating – warm, moveable clothing must be worn for all on ice and off ice sessions – no jeans, sweatpants or pyjama pants

• Long hair must be tied back

• Long laces should not be wrapped around the skate

• Skaters will display good sportsmanship at all events

• Inappropriate behavior, such as swearing, ice kicking, bullying or disrespectful behavior whether directed at a Coach, Volunteer, Parent or
Skater will not be tolerated. Remember and appreciate the hard work and dedication by the Coaches , Parents , Skaters and Volunteers of the Club

• Skaters will leave all food in the dressing rooms. Only Water may be placed on the boards at the ice surface (NO GLASS CONTAINERS). No food or
gum chewing on the ice

• All garbage will be placed in trashcans.

• Remember to pick up after yourself – when you leave the ice surface and also when you leave the dressing room – water bottle, kleenex, jackets,
music, etc.

• Parents may not coach at the side of the boards- please leave the coaching to the professionals

• Skaters will inform coaches ahead of time if they plan to miss a session or have to leave early/arrive late

• Skaters will not leave money or valuables in dressing rooms.

• Due to insurance reasons, no skaters are allowed on the ice, until a Coach is present.

• No sitting on the boards

• No standing in the middle of the ice talking in groups as this becomes a danger to those who are practicing. Talking should be done at the sides of
the boards and kept to a minimum

• For safety reasons, Jumps are to be practiced on the ends and Spins are to be practiced in the middle of the rink

• Get up immediately after falling unless you are hurt. Keep your head up and watch for fellow skaters.

These rules of conduct and etiquette must be adhered to at all times by skaters and coaches alike. The coaches will ask any skater not following these rules of conduct and etiquette to leave the ice surface. Skaters will not be allowed back on the ice surface without issuing an apology to the coach(es) and/or the skating group present during the display of poor conduct and/or etiquette.

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